
We Value Our Employer Partners (Fall 2024)

A showcase of company logos. Full list in the caption.

These employers came to campus to engage with Golden Eagles: Aline, American Red Cross, Chase, ChildCare Careers, City of Glendale, City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, Coop Careers, County of Los Angeles Probation Department, Easter Seals Southern California, Eaton Corporation, Education through Music Los Angeles, Enterprise Mobility, Go Behavioral LLC, Jeff Prang Los Angeles County Assessor, Los Angeles County Agricultural Commissioner Weights & Measures, Los Angeles County Treasurer & Tax Collector,  Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP), Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), Pacific Clinics, Panda Restaurant Group, Para los Niños, Peace Corp, Teach for America, Transportation Foundation of Los Angeles, Walgreens, and Youth Mentoring Network. Thank you, partners!